General Booking Info
(Venues using StageRush to book can find us here.)
DEC31 Double Barrel Roadhouse
DEC7 Red Lion VFW Annual Christmas Party
NOV17 Hometown Relief Fest
NOV9 Columbia Animal Shelter Benefit
OCT25 Dreams Beyond Cancer Benefit
SEP27 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG30 Private Event
AUG3 The Barn at Creek's Bend
JUL25 SoMa Street Party
JUL20 Ffej of July (Private Event)
JUN21 The Vineyard and Brewery at Hershey Decked Out Live
JUN 16 Springettsbury Park Sounds of Summer
MAY25 Gift Horse Brewing Company
MAY 4 Sherman's Creek Inn
APR26 Wyndridge Farms Spring Fest
APR7 Double Barrel Roadhouse in support for Tiffany
FEB17 Double Barrel Roadhouse
FEB3 Private Event
DEC16 Red Lion VFW
NOV25 SoMa Christmas Market
NOV11 Burning Bridge Tavern
NOV4 Private Event
OCT6 Benefit Event Stoner Commons
SEP 2 Gift Horse Brewing Company
AUG20 Springettsbury Sounds of Summer
JUL29 Gift Horse Brewing Company
JUL15 Double Barrel Roadhouse- EP Release Event
JUL8 Burning Bridge Tavern
JUL 1 Private Event
JUN 29 SoMa Street Party
JUN3 Red Lion VFW
MAY28 Hershaull Park Antique Tractor Show
MAY 27 Gift Horse Brewing Company
APR14 Burning Bridge Tavern
APR8 Red Lion VFW
APR1 Sherman’s Creek Inn
MAR11 Red Lion Elks Club -Cancelled
FEB3 McCleary's Public House
JAN13 Burning Bridge Tavern
JAN7 Double Barrel Roadhouse
DEC17 Red Lion VFW
NOV26 McCleary's Public House
NOV19 Burning Bridge Tavern
SEP30 Gift Horse Brewing Company
SEP 24 Red Lion VFW Post 1446
SEP9 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG20 Stars and Bars with WSOX at Kreutz Creek VFW
AUG 5 McCleary's Public House
JUL24 Gift Horse Brewing
JUL17 Wyndridge Farm Outdoor Summer Series
JUL15 Burning Bridge Tavern
JUL9 Ffej of July, Annville
JUL 2 Gift Horse Brewing - CANCELLED
JUN25 Red Lion VFW Post #1446
MAY28 2nd Annual Hershaull Park Tractor Show
MAY20 Burning Bridge Tavern, Wrightsville
APR9 Red Lion VFW
MAR19 Burning Bridge Tavern, Wrightsville
MAR5 Red Lion Elks
FEB18 McCleary's Publick House
JAN22 Burning Bridge Tavern- CANCELLED
DEC18 Red Lion VFW
DEC3 McCleary's Public House
NOV20 Burning Bridge Tavern
OCT9 Burning Bridge Tavern
SEP25 CDB at Red Lion VFW
SEP18 Tourist Inn
AUG27 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG21 Kreutz Creek Valley VFW "Stars and Bars" event with WSOX 96.1FM
AUG6 McCleary's Public House
JUL10 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
JUN19 CDB at Red Lion VFW
JUN13 CDB with Greater York Center for Dance at the Appell Center, York, PA
DEC11 CDB at McCleary's Pub -CANCELLED
DEC5 CDB at Stoner Grille- CANCELLED
NOV7 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
OCT10 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern (outside)
SEP11 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern (outside)
AUG22 CDB at Stoner Grille - Cancelled
AUG8 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG8 CDB at Stars and Bars Hellam VFW- Cancelled
JUL25 CDB at Red Lion VFW- Cancelled
JUN12 CDB at McCleary's Pub- Cancelled
JUN6 CDB at Suds and Song Craft Beer & Music Festival- Cancelled
MAY16 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern- Cancelled
APR25 CDB at Red Lion VFW- Cancelled
MAR28 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern- Cancelled
MAR6 CDB at McCleary’s Pub
FEB8 CDB at Stoner Grille
DEC14 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
SEP14Collinsville Discount Band-Lancaster County Sportsman's Club
AUG10 CDB at Stars and Bars, Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post #7045
AUG2 CDB at McCleary's Public House
JUL20 CDB at The Tourist Inn (Non-Smoking)
JUL13 CBD at The Wago Club
JUN1 Collinsville Discount Band at Suds and Song 2019
MAY11 CDB at The Tourist Inn
APR6 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
MAR15 CDB at McCleary's Public House
FEB16 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
DEC15 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
NOV21 CDB at The Glad Crab
NOV16 CDB Toys For Tots Fundraiser Lancaster County Sportsmen's Club
NOV2 CDB at Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post # 7045
OCT5 CDB at McCleary's Pub
AUG11 CDB at Stars N Bars
JUL28CDB at the Tourist Inn (NON-SMOKING!)
JUN16CDB at The Glad Crab
JUN2CDB at Suds & Song Craft Beer & Music Festival
APR6CDB at Fenderz
MAR23CDB live at McCleary's Pub!
MAR10CDB at The Glad Crab!!
FEB24CDB at the Tourist Inn (NON-SMOKING!)
FEB10CDB at the Wago Club
DEC1CDB at Fenderz!
NOV22CDB at The Glad Crab-Dranksgiving Eve!
NOV17CDB Live at McCleary's Pub
OCT21Halloween Dance - Library Fund Raiser
OCT6CDB at Fenderz
SEP23CDB at The Glad Crab!
SEP9CDB at The Burning Bridge Tavern w/ Hot Rod Mule!
AUG12CDB at Stars and Bars
JUL15CDB at the Glad Crab!
JUN2CDB at the Westgate!
MAY20CDB at the Glad Crab
MAY5CDB, Cinco de Mayo at FenderZ
APR7CDB at The Westgate!
MAR17CDB at Fenderz!
FEB11CDB at the Back Room
FEB4CDB at The Glad Crab
NOV18CDB at The Westgate!
DEC31 Double Barrel Roadhouse
DEC7 Red Lion VFW Annual Christmas Party
NOV17 Hometown Relief Fest
NOV9 Columbia Animal Shelter Benefit
OCT25 Dreams Beyond Cancer Benefit
SEP27 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG30 Private Event
AUG3 The Barn at Creek's Bend
JUL25 SoMa Street Party
JUL20 Ffej of July (Private Event)
JUN21 The Vineyard and Brewery at Hershey Decked Out Live
JUN 16 Springettsbury Park Sounds of Summer
MAY25 Gift Horse Brewing Company
MAY 4 Sherman's Creek Inn
APR26 Wyndridge Farms Spring Fest
APR7 Double Barrel Roadhouse in support for Tiffany
FEB17 Double Barrel Roadhouse
FEB3 Private Event
DEC16 Red Lion VFW
NOV25 SoMa Christmas Market
NOV11 Burning Bridge Tavern
NOV4 Private Event
OCT6 Benefit Event Stoner Commons
SEP 2 Gift Horse Brewing Company
AUG20 Springettsbury Sounds of Summer
JUL29 Gift Horse Brewing Company
JUL15 Double Barrel Roadhouse- EP Release Event
JUL8 Burning Bridge Tavern
JUL 1 Private Event
JUN 29 SoMa Street Party
JUN3 Red Lion VFW
MAY28 Hershaull Park Antique Tractor Show
MAY 27 Gift Horse Brewing Company
APR14 Burning Bridge Tavern
APR8 Red Lion VFW
APR1 Sherman’s Creek Inn
MAR11 Red Lion Elks Club -Cancelled
FEB3 McCleary's Public House
JAN13 Burning Bridge Tavern
JAN7 Double Barrel Roadhouse
DEC17 Red Lion VFW
NOV26 McCleary's Public House
NOV19 Burning Bridge Tavern
SEP30 Gift Horse Brewing Company
SEP 24 Red Lion VFW Post 1446
SEP9 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG20 Stars and Bars with WSOX at Kreutz Creek VFW
AUG 5 McCleary's Public House
JUL24 Gift Horse Brewing
JUL17 Wyndridge Farm Outdoor Summer Series
JUL15 Burning Bridge Tavern
JUL9 Ffej of July, Annville
JUL 2 Gift Horse Brewing - CANCELLED
JUN25 Red Lion VFW Post #1446
MAY28 2nd Annual Hershaull Park Tractor Show
MAY20 Burning Bridge Tavern, Wrightsville
APR9 Red Lion VFW
MAR19 Burning Bridge Tavern, Wrightsville
MAR5 Red Lion Elks
FEB18 McCleary's Publick House
JAN22 Burning Bridge Tavern- CANCELLED
DEC18 Red Lion VFW
DEC3 McCleary's Public House
NOV20 Burning Bridge Tavern
OCT9 Burning Bridge Tavern
SEP25 CDB at Red Lion VFW
SEP18 Tourist Inn
AUG27 Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG21 Kreutz Creek Valley VFW "Stars and Bars" event with WSOX 96.1FM
AUG6 McCleary's Public House
JUL10 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
JUN19 CDB at Red Lion VFW
JUN13 CDB with Greater York Center for Dance at the Appell Center, York, PA
DEC11 CDB at McCleary's Pub -CANCELLED
DEC5 CDB at Stoner Grille- CANCELLED
NOV7 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
OCT10 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern (outside)
SEP11 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern (outside)
AUG22 CDB at Stoner Grille - Cancelled
AUG8 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
AUG8 CDB at Stars and Bars Hellam VFW- Cancelled
JUL25 CDB at Red Lion VFW- Cancelled
JUN12 CDB at McCleary's Pub- Cancelled
JUN6 CDB at Suds and Song Craft Beer & Music Festival- Cancelled
MAY16 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern- Cancelled
APR25 CDB at Red Lion VFW- Cancelled
MAR28 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern- Cancelled
MAR6 CDB at McCleary’s Pub
FEB8 CDB at Stoner Grille
DEC14 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
SEP14Collinsville Discount Band-Lancaster County Sportsman's Club
AUG10 CDB at Stars and Bars, Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post #7045
AUG2 CDB at McCleary's Public House
JUL20 CDB at The Tourist Inn (Non-Smoking)
JUL13 CBD at The Wago Club
JUN1 Collinsville Discount Band at Suds and Song 2019
MAY11 CDB at The Tourist Inn
APR6 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
MAR15 CDB at McCleary's Public House
FEB16 CDB at Burning Bridge Tavern
DEC15 CDB at the Red Lion VFW
NOV21 CDB at The Glad Crab
NOV16 CDB Toys For Tots Fundraiser Lancaster County Sportsmen's Club
NOV2 CDB at Kreutz Creek Valley VFW Post # 7045
OCT5 CDB at McCleary's Pub
AUG11 CDB at Stars N Bars
JUL28CDB at the Tourist Inn (NON-SMOKING!)
JUN16CDB at The Glad Crab
JUN2CDB at Suds & Song Craft Beer & Music Festival
APR6CDB at Fenderz
MAR23CDB live at McCleary's Pub!
MAR10CDB at The Glad Crab!!
FEB24CDB at the Tourist Inn (NON-SMOKING!)
FEB10CDB at the Wago Club
DEC1CDB at Fenderz!
NOV22CDB at The Glad Crab-Dranksgiving Eve!
NOV17CDB Live at McCleary's Pub
OCT21Halloween Dance - Library Fund Raiser
OCT6CDB at Fenderz
SEP23CDB at The Glad Crab!
SEP9CDB at The Burning Bridge Tavern w/ Hot Rod Mule!
AUG12CDB at Stars and Bars
JUL15CDB at the Glad Crab!
JUN2CDB at the Westgate!
MAY20CDB at the Glad Crab
MAY5CDB, Cinco de Mayo at FenderZ
APR7CDB at The Westgate!
MAR17CDB at Fenderz!
FEB11CDB at the Back Room
FEB4CDB at The Glad Crab
NOV18CDB at The Westgate!